“Briana Corr Scott is a natural teacher! I wish we’d booked her for two days and not just one.
Her read-aloud was also so rich and engaging. The creativity she inspired in the students was awe-inspiring, watching it unfold. I couldn’t believe how fast they all had a rich character to show us.
Before her visit, it was easy to create excitement and anticipation from looking at her videos on YouTube. The kids got to see lots of her work, try her drawing tutorial, and hear her speak directly to them in a video.
We highly recommend Briana, her beautiful work, and everything she has to teach about creating. Everyone at our school was delighted with her visit!”
-Eva Comstock, Grade 1 classroom teacher & Reading Recovery Teacher, West Northfield Elementary
"Briana Corr Scott is truly an amazing author and illustrator.
We loved her artwork, her art project, and her presentation. She made us feel like we could see and feel Sable Island. It inspired us to do that, too , as authors and illustrators. "
-Grades 4 and 5 students at Chedabucto Education Centre
"Briana Corr Scott is truly an amazing presenter. She engages the students and allows them to connect with her books.
We were thrilled that she shared her story "She Dreams of Sable Island." The students were mesmerized by the illustrations, the word choice, and the content. Her tales of visiting Sable Island captivated the attention of all of our P-6 students. She was extremely prepared with a craft as well. Everything was prepared ahead of time so that there were no wasted moments. She adapted her craft and presentation for the different grade levels. The students also loved the video that she shared before her visit. This created anticipation and allowed students to feel as though they knew Briana the minute she arrived in the classroom. Students began writing their own stories about Sable Island the very next day!"
-Corry Connolly, Literacy Hybrid teacher , Chedabucto Education Centre