Illustration / Like a Saltscaper

I have been illustrating a feature in Saltscapes Magazine called “Like a Saltscaper.” The image features Nick forth, who is a wild food enthusiast from Charlottetown, PEI. The article talks about searching for fiddleheads in the spring, and that was also the focus of the illustration.

Here is a timelapse of the image I made for the feature. For these types of illustrations, I use a combination of drawing, oil painting, and digital drawing. (The timelapse is created during the digital drawing part). Why? because that is how my brain works! I THINK when i’m drawing-that is the problem solving part. I LOVE when I am painting-shapes and light make sense when I am using oil. Digital is practical and fast. If I had an endless amount to time I would use oil from start to finish. Because these types of illustrations have production deadlines, I can work faster in digital. I scan the handprinted illustrations in a use Procreate on my iPad. I can work in layers (similar to working in oil) but can work quickly as I am not waiting for things to dry. I can move between Procreate and oil painting seamlessly-My brain cannot see the difference in methods any longer ! I am at the point now that I try to “zoom in” with my fingers on my oil painting!


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